E-Mail Service

PAN E-Mail-Service – Always up to date!

Choose which information you would like to receive from us. You can currently choose from three subject areas: Newsletter, Events or Technology. Each of our e-mails to you contains an unsubscribe link if you no longer wish to use our information service at a later date.

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More Information

Newsletter:               Mailing 1 x per month

  • Receive information on new products at an early stage
  • Follow current trends and developments in the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals
  • Local, country-specific information


Events:          Mailing on event-related basis

  • Early information on upcoming events
  • Invitation to exclusive customer events
  • Trade fair information
  • Receive information material on trade fairs


Technology:          Mailing 2-4 x per year

  • Conveniently receive all the latest news about organic production from PAN
  • Receive interviews, technical articles on new products from PAN
  • New developments from PAN